You were created for connection
Christian Marriage Counseling
Located in Lakeland, Florida
Since you were created for connection, why do you feel so alone?
The tension is so thick between the two of you, it’s like you could cut it with a knife. You’re wondering:
Is this what marriage is supposed to be like?
Have I married the wrong person?
Did I not hear God?
Why does it seem like I’m the only one working on our marriage?
Why do I feel so empty?
You may be at the point of exhaustion. You’re tired of trying to fix your relationship alone.
You’ve asked God for guidance and maybe even feel like He has abandoned you.
Nothing is working and you have no answers.
You’re wondering how long you can keep this up.
There is hope for your marriage.
My office is a safe place to work toward making that hope a reality. Working towards this starts by understanding where each of you are and empowering each partner in the marriage to take ownership of their own moves in the negative dance that has led to this disconnect. As a therapist, I use EFT to reveal what’s going on in the “negative dance” and how each partner can learn new steps toward healing.
Does this sound familiar?
You feel disconnected and alone so you reach out. Your spouse doesn’t respond in the way you want and perhaps gets defensive. You feel not heard, so you try harder to explain only to find your spouse shutting down, maybe even ignoring you. This causes more distress and the negative dance goes on and on in an unending cycle.
You never get to the deep emotions in your soul. Instead, you’re both just reacting to hide what’s really inside. These reactive emotions are the music that drive the negative dance. Let’s change the music.
Your negative dance, not your spouse, is the enemy of your relationship and that’s what I’m here to help you work on. Both of you, in your own way, are trying to protect your relationship yet it’s getting you just the opposite of what you want.
Let me help you get in step to work against your negative dance and have a different way of relating to each other. To experience bonding moments in my office so that the music is not the cacophony of disconnection but rather the harmony of connection.

Christian EFT can help you:
Understand God’s design for connection
Both discover why you do what you do and how you affect each other
Identify and stop your negative dance
Feel more connected with God and your spouse
Learn new ways to relate to your spouse
Both find more satisfaction in being together